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And suddenly you know...It's time to start something new & trust the magic of beginnings. After all the overwhelming aspects of creating my eportfolio and doing a tremendous job on it, THANK GOD, the journey has just only begun. 


 In this new chapter, I will be evaluating the preeminent topic of 'Teenage Pregnancy' in the U.S and 'The life of a teenage Mom'. Lately, I have seen that teenage pregnancy is a growing factor in the U.S and would like to advise adolescents ages 15-19 to adhere to this topic. Teenage pregnancy is a very prominent problem right now in the 21st century, that greatly needs be addressed. Many teenagers are sexually active at this point in time in their lives, but do not really understand the repercussions of having sex at an early age. Not taking full responsibility and precautions in doing so. Most teenagers look at sex as a fun game, that's filled with pleasure and lust. Not thinking about the, "What if" while caught up in the moment. There are a differentiate of birth control methods out there, so why not take advantage of them? It is a whole lot cheaper to protect yourself than it is to take care of a child. Teenage years are supposed to be the best days of your life, the time where you hang out with your girlfriends, party, live it up. Travel the world, explore, go new places, meet new people. The inevitability of fate is awaiting. Having a child at a young age, you lose your childhood, you lose the fun, and act of not worrying about the care in the world. But now you have a huge responsibility on your shoulders. 


Even though the aspects of teenage pregnancy are detrimental to the mother, it is profoundly detrimental to the facet of the society as well. But why don't society and communities come together as a unit and seek help for these adolescent parents? Change starts with us. Despite the young storming spirits that teens so solemnly posses, it should be an articulate experience to teach the young youth about sex and it's many encounters and endeavors. In my research study "The Sanctity of Bringing A New Life Into This World," I will provide individuals with all the fundamental information about teenage pregnancy and it's impact on teen mothers. I will provide teenagers, both male and female, with all attainable knowledge they need to know about teenage pregnancy. 


 For all the teenage adolescent parents already out there, you can overcome the judgement of teenage pregnancy and go on to make something fascinating, and intricate about your life. Ignore the statistics, prove to those that doubted you, that you can overcome any obstacle set forth before you. Never undermine a minor set back. Never let the judgement prevail. There is HOPE. Never let someone remind you of the person you was in the past, be reminded of the person you are today. Having a child young is life changing, think twice before you say "YES" and agree to having sex.



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