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Early Start

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The Early Start program is an opportunity for incoming freshman to take either an English 101 or a Math 105 class during the summer for a 5 week course. There is no extra cost for the class, it will all be included in your fall tuition.


This year is my first year of being a peer success coach and I had the pleasure of being apart of the Early Start team and having my first experience as a success coach with this amazing class of 15 students that really changed my world. Yes, it sounds corny, but coming into this job I was not expecting to be so excited to come to work everyday to do something new with the students and see my co-workers.


The summer classes ended August 11th and it gave the students around 2 weeks of vacation before coming in for their first semester as a Freshman in college. Their time with me didn't end when their summer class end, as part of the program they also have a First Year Seminar (FYS) class together, a requirement in John Jay, which is also connected to their English 101 class. Once a week I'm in their FYS class to ensure that they are doing everything they possibily can to ensure their success in their first semester.

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The Early Start Pre-Science class getting a sneak peak of what their future classes are going to be like in the lab.

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