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"Make the World Your Temple":

A Digital Story



To See Arielle's ePortfolio, click here. 

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Creating a digital story was the highlight of my English class because it really pushed my boundaries. I was not aware that I am capable of creating such a beautiful and inspiring piece of work. Since I chose to write about my  own aspirational and social capital, I decided to utilize my passion for photography and express it throughout my digital story. New York City has really embodied my charisma and I was very encouraged to visit many important landmarks and capture interesting images. I saw New York City through my own lens and I have fallen in love with my city. The environment you live in has a strong influence in your life. You should utilize what you have right in front of you and embrace the moments. Digital storytelling has expressed my thoughts and words perfectly into one sweet apple pie. I was impressed with myself and my dedication to this project and how much I incorporated my own originality and authenticity.


I have a deep admiration for photography and it really stood out in my work. I wanted my images to stand out because that is who I really am. Expressing your own writing with your own images is like adding caramel into a cup of bitter coffee. The images I captured makes my work look more visually representing. I own a Canon Rebel T2I and it is one expensive camera. Instead of letting it collect dust, I wanted to collect memories with it. I have traveled to various places around the world and I always had my canon with me. Capturing the special moments of life is essential because you can look through it and cherish the memories you have created on your journey. I have also improved in my own writing ever since I was in college because instead of summarizing every piece of work, I have been analyzing and connecting with the author’s purpose.


Digital storytelling was a new technique I have learned and it is better than a plain old white piece of paper. You have the ability to work with sound, images, voice memos, and videos that can relate to your own writing.


Watching a digital story can immediately attract the audience’s attention. A person may incorporate a piece of themselves into their story and you get to understand them in a whole different level. This project of digital rhetoric is appealing and it portrays ethos, logos, and pathos in a creative and innovative way. We live in the 21st century where technological advancements are improving every millisecond. We should learn to adapt to technological and visual representations instead of pasting ourselves only into a word document.


My colleagues' projects were very interesting to watch. Each and everyone have their own interests in music and images. I had the chance to recognize a different part of them that I never knew they had. We all benefited through this project because of the skills we had developed over time.


“Make the World Your Temple,” is a piece about culture and traditions. It gives great advice and illustrates not only the beauty of New York City, but the entire world. I have shown my credibility by experiencing different cultures and traveling the world and people should believe what I have to say. We are focused on social media and complain about the silliest things in our own mind but we need to drop all the negativity. Embrace the beauty of your surroundings and express your human dignity with passion and wit. My work demonstrates a cultural aspect of the 21st century and it promotes the style and refinement of digital storytelling.

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