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Struggling to keep your eyes open, head spinning for hours, an inability to focus, what could be happening? Some would say a traumatic experience but a student would tell you they have a test in the morning. The reality is many dedicate their whole lives to doing something they think they'll never use in real life. Students are trained to do all of the above, everything except think critically.


Martin Luther King Jr.'s inspirational quote shines light on an ideal lost by  higher learning institutions today which is to teach students things of value to build on one's character, not pointless information or tasks that evaluate how well you follow another skill set. In contrast, "We will not let exam results decide our fate" are the Powerful words to back up a powerful movement hosted by young talented Suli Breaks. His ideals, as well as how he provokes thoughts in viewer's minds, signify creativity. The videos he posts on You-Tube speak directly to the student populations who are struggling and need a voice to iterate how they feel about education, especially those lost students who feel there is no way out of the nightmare of being only as good as your highest grade. Suli induces reflection by bringing up all the people who were succesful without paying for education such as Mark Zuckenberg,Henry Ford and Steven Speilberg. This raises the interesting question of: is all this superfluous education necessary if the world's millionares didn't need it? He changes the definition of intelligence and is trying to change that of education.


"If you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to build his" argues Suli.   He strips today's competition driven job market to its bare essentials. He also gives insight into the mentality of students everywhere including myself. We are all competing, following the same path in schools to try and beat the other to the job of our dreams, a constant race that statistics show many never reach their finish line. Yet, this continues to be the motivation for hard workers everywhere student and so on.


"Picasso was educated in creating art" is a quote from Suli that breeds a new way of thinking about education. We all have strengths and weaknesses; why not work towards your advantages to give yourself more opportunity than working with your weaknesses? The reality is many aren't good at taking tests or giving lectures. It is those students whose true potential remains unknown to teachers, because they are graded on how well they took the pressure of that test or how well they were able to calm their nerves before speaking. Those who are gifted need to take their talents to where they can be productive as opposed to working on skills they find useless.


There is an emotional connection to Suli Breaks's words that leave us with a grand message: run your own race because your goals and desires create their own personal finish line. 



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