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Mererani, a village in Northern 

Tanzania, is known for two things: corruption and mines.

Corruption that has led to sky-rocketed crime rates and little accountability.

Mines that exploit young men and kidnap children. Mines that claim countless lives that are deemed worthless in comparison to the price of the jewels tainted with their blood.


However, in the heart of this city, there is a shining light. Light in Africa.


The girls in this children's village are unbelievably outgoing and bright!

However, because of the violence in this area, they are not allowed to socialize with many people outside of the orphanage. 


Despite this, I know these girls lack very little. I see it in their smiles.


When we walked into the chidren's village, the girls serenaded us with songs of welcome in English and Swahili and praises to the Lord.


It was unbelievably emotional for me to hear these girls sings these songs and so humbling to see.



Telling one of the girls what an amazing job she did!  


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