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New York City is home

to the annoyingly talented

Christopher Ferreiras, 

a humble artist and graduate of

John Jay College of Criminal Justice.


In 2015

he received his BA

in English Literature.



Currently, he chills in a coffee shop

with too many ideas

about what to do next,

drinking tea instead
because he's too cool to follow rules,

writing about himself in third person.


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Welcome to my artist brand page,

This is who I am first,

inside and outside of academia.


In this page you can find my art,

my poetry, photography, and academics.


All that I do, and all that I am is here,

so take your time and please be kind.


Follow my work

on Instagram,


and Twitter



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User-uploaded Content
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There is no starting over,

there is no day alike,

it is less and less,

as we are,

less who we were.



forget yesterday.


There's more beyond the surface

of what we can see

and assume and perceive

and believe. There's more

than we've known,

more than this.


Fall, Darling.

Let yourself.

Love is a wilderness

where nothing is ever the same.

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