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Your Footer

You can put an inspirational quote or contact information in your footer.  It is up to you.  There are two places in the default code that allow you to make changes to your footer.  See the two, highlighted areas below:

#footer_container {
border-top:1px solid #AAAAAA;
#footer {

There are many things that you can do in this area.  If your website has a dark background, you might especially want to make some changes here.

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Changes that You Can Make

First, let's start with the "#footer_container."  This is where you will make your font changes and decide on the color and thickness of the dividing line between the main container/body and footer.  You will have to add code.  Here is the code for the footer that you see at this website (the dividing line has been completely removed):

#footer_container {
border-top:1px none #D11919;


You will notice that the footer on this website is a green box with a thin, black border.  That is relatively easy to do. If you change "none" to whatever HTML color code that you want (remember to include the # before your 6-digit code), then the footer will take that color.   Here is the code for this site that places the green box at the bottom:

#footer {
border: 2px solid #000000;


Please go back to the page on borders to see what the different border styles mean.

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