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I am... a woman... a wife... a sister... a student... a lover.... a lesbian... a thinker... a changer...a future mother...a teacher... a friend... a PERSON... I am ME... Dominique Mendez-Rose


 Don't pretend to know my smile or understand my humor. I am just a young woman who has finally come to 

terms with who I am suppose to be. Time ticked by while i stood still. Life swept me up into so many different places. Standing strong is not for the faint of heart. Being true to ones self is life's real test. I stand now on my own two feet and have opened the door to my future, not knowing all along I had the key to every locked door. View my work about what matters to not only me but to us. Our worlds collide with issues that aren't unbeknowst to us. We live in a world where gender cannot find justice on its own. Only through education and acknowledgement will we be able to make a difference in the world. A better place for my children to grow up in. A place where they won't face struggles like "what's good hair?" or "white privelege" or "not being able to get a job because of their gender or sexual orientation" like I've had to struggle with. I am Dominique Mendez-Rose and I will create CHANGE.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.