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As a group of revolutionaries we focus on different activist groups whose goal is to accomplish social change in their respective communities.


Brian Quezada focuses on injustice in the Latino community within the United States. He emphasis on the social prejudice against Latino youth's and reminds everyone that they do have the right to education and social services.


Magdalena Oropeza concentrates on the current condition of turmoil Mexico is in, all beginning with the worldwide coverage of the forty-three students that were kidnapped by law enforcement. She will analyze the role that the government plays in all this turmoil as well as two different activist groups that want to put a stop to all the violence.


Michelle Sencion focuses on racial discrimination against African Americans in the United States. She explains the role that social media movements like #BlackLivesMatter play in bringing justice to communities everywhere. We are focusing on contemporary events that have struck a chord within us as members of different communities. We hope to establish a place where people can educate themselves and join us in our fight for social justice through non violent means. We hope to prove right the old spanish saying, "la pluma es más poderosa que la espada.”

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