DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

The central focus of this course is common to all sections of English 201: RHETORIC.  Though we are following a common, standard curriculum, our task is to give our work its own signature, pursue our own interests and passions, and develop a digital-political identity with all of the attending multimedia connections that we will be making.


Assessment in this class is based on an overall 200-point spread for all projects in the course.  Each project in this course weighs in and gets counted towards the overall 200 points.  You will receive details for each project that are designed to ensure rigor and quality in your work, especially since much of your work could generate multiple public audiences in digital spaces.   The point-spread for each project also intends to communicate as clearly as possible what is expected of you. 


For some of you, the point-spread may feel very new and different.  18-20 year old young adults today are often described in terms of the web 2.0 technologies that have saturated their childhood and early adulthood.  However, there might be a better way to historicize young people in this age range: the group who has witnessed and been subjected to the most rubrics, norming standards, high-stakes tests, etc than any other group of K-12 students in the history of education in the United States.  In this COLLEGE class, we will not be replicating the kinds of assessment strategies that you experienced in K-12 standardization regimes. 


Be prepared to comment on and think critically about the point-spread that you are given for each project.  These point-spreads are designed rhetorically: to make you a stronger writer and to give you a more persuasive digital presence. Think of writing and designing in this class as giving you more than just an “A” at the end of the course.  Understand yourself as establishing a digital/critical ethos.


Here are the main projects of the semester along with a general grading overview (there will be detailed score sheets for each item distributed in class):

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.