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From "Rebel Femmes" to "Feminist Thirst": Lessons from Students’ ePortfolio Design in Gender/Sexuality Studies Courses

by Crystal Jackson, Ph.D. and Carmen Kynard, Ph.D.

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Our presentation stresses a central idea: digital technologies are never neutral.  Social categories such as race, gender, class, sexuality, and ability are shaped by and direct technology. Thus the use of ePortfolios in our gender and sexuality studies courses emphasizes writing through new media where we critically engage with digital media objects as well as produce them. We treat our students’ digital materials in our courses as “ipso facto cultural phenomena” (Liu, 2012) related to their deep learning, agency, and visions. 


We will begin our session with an overview of our course syllabi with an emphasis on the ways we use ePortfolios to engage conversations about equity, representation, and digital culture.  We share web-based documents that offer participants syllabi and classroom lessons here in this setting.  After our opening, we will lead participants in discussions of social justice, technical-aesthetic design, and anti-sexist/misogynist techno-logics.  





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This ePortfolio was created by Crystal Jackson and Carmen Kynard for the New York regional ePortfolio conference, Rebundling Higher Education: High Impact ePortfolio Practice and the New Digital Ecosystem.  All background images, infographics, pictures on this ePort's pages, gifs, and videos here represent actual student work and/or are visual rhetorics that occur repeatedly in students' digital designs.  All static images on the webpages of this site are linked back to their source.
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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.