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Purity in Art Reflection


I never published a piece of my writing for the world to see before this. I was never one to take criticism any other way than being helpful, but I was kind of worried about actually putting my writing up here for some reason. My Purity in Art piece was the first thing that I would let the whole world wide web view for the first time. I never minded anyone reading my writing before, whether it be a teacher, or another student, or anyone else for that matter. But, something was nagging at me about putting my writing online. Online; that's one place I never thought I'd put my writing. Maybe I was feeling off about putting my writing on the web because I never thought about it before. 


This piece gives some insight into me, as does all of my other writing. Someone's writing style can tell you a lot about that person, if you pay close enough attention to it. Everytime you read a paragraph from that person's writing, you gather another piece of the puzzle that makes them up. I am very clear cut; what you see is what you get. Which is the way i write. I write, and write, and write, until everything forms into one cohesive piece of literature.

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