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Homosexuality is wrong. Well, that is what some people might have you believe. There are people in big cities and small backwater towns across the globe who ascribe to this belief that being gay is completely and utterly wrong. There are people who just keep their opinion to themselves, but, for some reason, there are a vast majority of people who believe that they must preach their belief and then shove it down someone’s throat. There are even people who want to change homosexuality. And, by change, I mean that some politically or religiously motivated people want to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals. One of these people is Jennifer Keeton, and her story is appalling and ongoing.



Jennifer Keeton, a graduate student attending Augusta State University for counseling, was expelled for declining to participate in a “remediation plan.” Keeton entered graduate school with the intention of starting conversion therapy for gay kids. By law, counselors who can not provide care to a patient due to their personal beliefs or reasons must refer them to another counselor. Jennifer Keeton, on the other hand, wants to tell homosexual kids that they have a choice in their sexual preference and send them to conversion therapy instead of sending them to another counselor. It is widely believed by the majority of experts that a person’s sexual is not a choice and it can not be changed. But, Jennifer Keeton thinks otherwise because of her religious beliefs. Keeton made her mission known publicly and Augusta State University required her to participate in their “remediation plan.” She refused to participate, and Augusta State University has expelled her. She has tried to sue Augusta State University for expelling her because she believes that Augusta State University has violated her First Amendment rights by requiring her to take the “remediation plan” due to her religious beliefs.



The real issues in this case are that a woman wanted to violate a counselors ethical and moral responsibilities because of her own religious beliefs. She also does not understand the First Amendment very well. Jennifer Keeton wants to “convert” gay kids because she believes that homosexuality is wrong. She has every right to believe that, but she does not have the right to become a counselor, someone who is supposed to aid those who are in need of help, and go against everything the profession stands for. Keeton does not understand that her rights are not being violated in any way. Augusta State University has a right to teach and prepare its students for their profession in any way it sees fit; that includes making someone participate in a “remediation plan.” The issue in this case is a misguided woman believing that she can change something that is, in theory, biological and not a choice, and the misunderstanding of the First Amendment.



Today, there are dozens upon dozens of ways to get your voice heard whether it be on the internet, radio, or any other form of communication. With all of this access, we are forgetting that our words have consequences. We are confusing “freedom of speech” with the violation of other people’s rights. We can say whatever we want, but, when what we say becomes about someone or something else that is not us or ours, then, we have to take into account if we are obstructing someone else’s rights. People, like Jennifer Keeton, think that they can do what they want because they believe that is right. When they are told they have to do something or that they can’t do something, they misguidedly hide behind the First Amendment and claim intolerance. As a general rule of thumb for all people around the globe, all words and actions have consequences. How you use your words and do your actions will determine how big the consequences are. Be tolerant, kind, and nonjudgmental to the best of your abilities and the consequences for all of your words and actions will be miniscule. 

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Don't take my word for it. Find out what is going on in the case. Here are some links:


Anti-gay Student's Suit Rejected


Keeton v. Anderson-Wiley

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