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 Forensic Anthropology


Image Source: Forensic anthropologists at work in Bosnia.


When thinking about Forensic Science as my major. I knew that math would be a key factor to this area of science. I just never took into consideration of how important it would be, the main area I have decided to present is Anthropology.


To those who don't know what forensic anthropology is, its a sub field of anthropology. It centers on studying the remains of humans, in order to identify them. Many forensic anthropologist depend upon certain bones in order to calculate the height of the deceased. Whether it be male or female since both male and female bones are both different from one another


In order to distinguish the remains from males or females you can look at the pelvis bone. Females pelvises tend to be wider and more of an oval shape. Meanwhile, males have a narrower and heart-shaped pelvis. Once they are distinguished forensic anthropologist are capable of selecting certain bones to measure, such as the femur, tibia, humerus, and radius. From those bones selected that would then plug it into an equation and solve for x.




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