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In Tihosuco, we traveled to visit the museum of the Caste War of 1847 to 1901. In this museum, we learned about Jacinto Pat, Manuel Antonio Ay, and Cecilio Chí who were important figures in the Caste War. Our tour guide explained in detailed their roles in the war through diagrams, paintings, and artifacts throughout the museum. Also, he taught us briefly about Maya culture and let us play on the Huehuetl which is an instrument used in Maya Pax.


Also in Tihosuco we visited a church that had half of the walls destroyed because of its significance. The community refuses to repair that church because of the negative things that happened with the young girls in the church. Which pushed many to take action against the church.

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La Cruz Parlante

La Cruz Parlante or the talking Cross is a symbol of the Caste War. It is the talking cross that guided the Maya men to continue fighting in the Caste War. La Cruz appeared in a tree and spoke. The original cross is no longer in this church that we went to visit, but it still remains a sacred place. Throughout Quintana Roo there are five ceremonial pueblos that guard the talking cross, and the only person who is able to see the cross is the priest.


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