DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

...Retired NYCPD Detective/Crime Prevention Specialist , l969-91

...NYC Tour Guide, l991-Present

...Security Consultant, l991-present



...Two-year Cornell University Trade Union Woman's Studies Degree, l977-78

...Fordham University Enforcement Education Program, 1979-81

...John Jay College, l994-96, 2012 – Present: Security Management Degree



...Oldest of four children; raised in Manhattan and Queens, N.Y.

...Father a doctor, mother an artist

...Family of artists, writers, doctors



...Left my Italian family to get my own apartment at age 22 against the tradition of

marrying and motherhood

...Became a licensed life and health insurance agent and notary public and a partner in an insurance agency at age 23

...Sworn into NYCPD at age 25

...Traveled the USA, Mexico and Canada

...Pioneered the 1972 NYCPD Women on Patrol Program by becoming one of the first two-woman patrol partners in a radio car (Title VII)

...First woman detective in the Crime Prevention Section of NYCPD

...Hosted a live, weekly crime prevention radio program sponsored by the Board of education (WNYE from Medgar Evers College – 5 years -1981-85)

...Three marriage proposals but embraced freedom and had no desire for children

...Traveled to Europe for one month, every year for 17 years; it was a way of balancing the rigors, stresses and emotional turmoil a police officer endures



Boxing, martial arts

Writing, piano, Spanish guitar, painting, real estate, travel agent

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.