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                      Prep for Project #1: Peer Interview


Directions: You are going to ask your partner the following questions, record their responses and return it to them. The point of giving your partner their responses back is to help everyone view their experience, and their own words, from a little distance. 

1) Ask your collaborator about one of the following: 


  • an early memory

  • an experience that occurred this summer

  • a scar

  • a haircut

  • yesterday

  • a sudden change in a relationship

  • the loss of an object

  • an experience you do not fully understand

Inquire about how that incident constituted a shift in your collaborator's perspective. As a result of these events, how did they change? For example, are they more or less trusting?  Explain.


2) Ask your collaborator to recall as many details, large and small, as they can about one of the aforementioned incidences.  How was the weather? Their facial expression? What were they wearing?  Writing is made of details. Many times it is in the minor details where big insights lurk.



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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.